Mike Morris
  • Male
  • Granite, OK
  • United States
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Mike Morris's Friends

  • Kay Patterson Brantley
  • Gloria Gene George
  • Jack Stanfield
  • Sue Hubbard Tarlton

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At 11:41pm on April 11, 2013, Sue Ann Allen Mackey said…
Mike, I was glad to see your name and I saw that you stay in touch with Rex and Helen and Ray Almond. I have often wondered where all of you are now and how you are doing. I live in Mesquite, TX. and have been since 1972. Hope things are well with you.
At 4:47pm on June 22, 2010, Cheryl Sheldon Clardy said…
How did you end up in okla? . . .I was born there and all my dads side lives up there . . .I started school in Chickasha . . .Could you hook me up with Helen and Rex? Helen was my best friend . . .we both lived on Olive Place and almost lived at each others houses . . .Thx

At 9:37am on April 11, 2010, Gloria Gene George said…
Hey Mike,
Is Granite OK where you have lived most of your life or is that your retirement home?
At 10:44am on January 24, 2010, Jack Stanfield said…
Hey Mike,

What are you up to? Stayed in the Navy for 31 years and then worked in D.C. for another 10. Retired now to upper Florida. Email is: Dodar@aol.com.

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