Sue Hubbard Tarlton
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  • New York, NY
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Sue Hubbard Tarlton's Friends

  • Cheryl Sheldon Clardy
  • Mike Morris
  • Barbara Hairston Holland
  • Linda Gilbert Gerhart
  • Bonnie Sears Cox
  • Bob (Bobby) Dagley
  • Cameron Chumlea

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Here's one of my webites: Celebrate U. That link will take you to some other links of things I've started.

I've been in the corporate world (IBM, Ernst & Young), taught school, wrote a book and have a couple of workbooks that are nearing completion, am an entrepreneur, did a little stand-up comedy, have a TV show as a hobby. I try to do something new every few years. Currently, I'm practicing a form of energy healing that is fast, long-lasting and has rather immediate results. Very impressive. Plus, you do it yourself and it's free! (Hard to beat that, right?) The technique is called "tapping" and the kind/brand is "EFT". You can find out more about it at Because a simplified form of it works so well on test-taking anxiety and classroom behavior-calming, I am on a mission to get the 30-second version into schools. Please let me know of anyone who might want more information.

I'm about to launch a new business and I'd love to get your feedback -- of any kind. I'd especially love to give it a great and catchy name. Currently, it's Use My Expertise. (Bland, right?) The next-closest contender is "3 Month Teams". (Not any better.)

I'll let you know when I get podcasts and YouTube videos up. I keep threatening to do that as part of my coaching work.

Hmmm.... My personal self? I'm single and living in New York City. This place suits me for various reasons. My mother, sisters, brother, daughter and husband, grandson all live in Texas. I get there occasionally.

My life didn't turn out as I expected it to. How about yours?

Best regards and big hugs,

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Comment Wall (10 comments)

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At 3:29pm on June 15, 2010, Nancy Hankins Mastin said…
Sue, As one of many that worked on getting the reunion together I found this site a great help. Thanks so much for getting it together! And like Paula, we all missed you this weekend. Enjoyed reading something about you. No, my life did not turn out how I imagined at all but so much better! With a few notable exceptions, I have been blessed at every turn. CYBER HUG, Nancy
At 9:44pm on June 14, 2010, Paula Baudoux said…
HI Sue, I expected to see you at the reunion since for many of us, this website helped greatly in inspiring us to go to the reunion. But alas, no Sue! Also, I'd love for you to upload a bit of your stand-up routine if you have some. You have done us a great service in this website. Thanks so much. I went to my first AHHS reunion this time and it was a hoot. Love, Paula
At 6:20pm on April 5, 2010, Mike Morris said…
Hi Sue. Enjoyed reading your bio....Guess we never know what the future will hold. I've been in Oklahoma for about 29 years. We've been to NYC several times but really prefer the country life in southwest Ok. I'm still in touch with Rex and Helen, Ray Almond and Bill Hatfield but not many others. Going to the reunion? We're checking schedules to see if we can make it. Take care, Mike Morris
At 10:06pm on March 31, 2010, Jane Bartholomew Weir said…
Sue, You're incredible, as you've been since I knew you in 1st grade & you taught me the value of working harder than I had to to get by in school. My life hasn't turned out as I planned either. I'm a patent paralegal in DC who once worked as that in Manhattan w/good enough LSAT scores to go to Fordham Law School. Then I got pregnant w/my 2nd child & my husband's job in NY & Montreal was cut short. So we returned to DC. I now know how hard it's been for us to rebuild all the "natural" connections we had in Ft. Worth in a big metropolitan city. I loved Manhattan when I worked there. I hope to see you at the reunion. Janie Bartholomew Weir
At 11:16am on March 25, 2010, Cheryl Sheldon Clardy said…
Thanks for this venue, Sue. It’s great to read up on some of the heights people.

After Heights I attended North Texas, TCU, and FSU. I spent 31 years with IRS after working as a stew for Braniff and inspector for customs. I have a daughter who attended Texas A&M, got married in Jamaica about 5 years ago, and has two kids (3 & 1 ½). She is a plant manager for Malt-o-meal cereal in Northfield, MN. It’s a nice drive up 35. I retired from IRS in June ’09 and am managing a free Tax Clinic for United Way.

See you at the reunion.
At 10:38am on February 9, 2010, alan neil burk said…
Hi. Sue. Doubt that you remember me but thought I'd write anyway. You take care of yourself.
Alan N. Burk
At 3:18pm on May 7, 2009, Robert Mark Dickey said…
Sue! Thanks for setting this up. It's great to see some of the old crowd.
At 1:04am on April 26, 2009, Martha Morris Moore said…
Thanks, Sue, for the connection. I've always been too far away for most of the reunions. Perhaps, we'll still be this close for the next one. Don't plan to retire anytime soon. Enjoy my job, especially the traveling.
At 12:08am on April 25, 2009, Susan Calvert Coleman said…
Nice to hear from some of you...thanks Sue for figuring out how to re-connect.

I retired in March 2007, and convinced my hubby to leave cold, snowy Denver & travel for a few years. Sooo, we sold most of our "stuff" and hit the road in an RV. We may find the perfect place to retire TO, but in the meantime, I hope to see all the places I just flew over on numerous business trips over the years. We finally became grandparents to two beautiful grandsons, one in Denver 17 months old, and one in Seattle 4 months old.

I have missed all but the 10 year reunion...but maybe next time.
At 9:38pm on April 21, 2009, Lynne Davidenko Royal said…
Hey Sue, So glad you put this little invitation to participate together. I retired in January, '08 and have been pretty much doing whatever I want. I have learned to quilt and love the Quilt Guild that I joined. They have retreats and it is nothing more than an adult slumber party and believe it or not, they have these really neat Retreat Centers all over that we can go to. Our daughter is engaged and we are deep in planning this wedding for November 7, 2009. Our son turned 40 in March, and I am just not old enough to have a kid that old, so I think I will do what my Mother did and quit mentioning him just to "Keep my reputation on being a Chickey intact". Do you think I can get away with that. Still married to my first husband and we will celebrate 43 years together in September. We got married in 1966, the same year as the first Super Bowl, so that is how he keeps with how many years. Every time one of started to leave, we came back because neither one of us wanted the kids by ourself. Now we are just too pooped to pack up!

Well you asked, and there you have it! Still living in ol' New York, huh? My Daddy was born and raised in Brooklyn and he never wanted to go back --tooooo many pickpockets for him.......

Keep me apprised of your new ventures, I will always be interested. TV Show?????

Best regard and Hugs back to you,

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