Richard Alan King
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  • Fort Worth, TX
  • United States
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Richard Alan King's Friends

  • Nancy Elaine Dodgen Evatte
  • Barbara Hairston Holland
  • Cameron Chumlea

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At 10:01am on June 17, 2010, Nancy Elaine Dodgen Evatte said…
Some things never change, you and Cameron! LOL, I like your picture, reminds me of the distinguished actor Sam Waterson on "L.A. Law"! How have you been? Didn't you get a red Impala for graduation? Doyou still have it? I have a white Impala now, Jacksonville police cars look just like mine, wish I had their engine. Did you go to the reunion? I'm going to have to make a concerted effort to attend the 50th. I'm in Jacksonville, FL, have been here since 1988. Would like to come back to Ft. Worth, my brother is still there, well in Weatherford actually. My two daughters are here in Jax as well, Tamara is 40 and Susan is 36. I'm taking the afternoon off to attend the swearing in ceremony for Susan's boyfriend/fiance into the U.S. Army. You and Carol have four children don't you? Where are they? I have been working at the local cigar factory, they manufacture Swisher Sweets and King Edward brand cigars, for the last 12 years in the office. I have never remarried so I am going to try to work until I am 70, if my mind lasts and I can keep up the pace. I would love to hear from you.
At 11:06am on April 5, 2010, Cameron Chumlea said…
That's a goofy picture, can't Carol find one of you looking better, looks like you just woke up. I'ver go some of you somewhere that I could post! Who was the cake for or whatever is in that bowl, that we are so "proud" of???

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